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Honorary Membership

Any person (whether a member of the Institute or not), who in the opinion of the Council has contributed conspicuously to or is eminent in any of the branches of metallurgy or materials in which the Institute is interested or who has rendered outstanding service to the Institute may be appointed Honorary Fellow. No application may be accepted for admission as an Honorary Fellow. Council or any Branch may propose a person for Honorary Fellowship. Proposals, supported by biographical and other appropriate written evidence of achievement and signed by the President and Secretary of the proposing body shall reach the Secretary 90 days before the Council meeting at which the proposal is to be discussed.

The proposal with supporting information will be considered by the nominating committee and if that committee decided that the nomination should be considered by Council the proposal shall be circulated to all members of Council at least 30 days before the Council meeting at which the proposal will be discussed. Approval for admission must be given by at least 7/8 of all Council members. If insufficient members of the Council are present at the meeting in person or by proxy then a postal ballot shall be held.

The award shall consist of free Fellowship for life to the recipient and a Certificate of Honorary Fellowship. This certificate shall be accompanied by a statement of the reasons for the award.

There shall not be more than 20 Honorary Fellows at any one time and no more than 2 Honorary Fellows shall be appointed in any twelve month period.

The award shall be made by the President at the next general meeting following election.

Honorary Membership Award Recipients

  • 2016Trevor Finlayson
  • 2014Robert O'Donnell
  • 2013Ron Cecil
  • 2007Greg Tegart
  • 2007Ian Polmear
  • 1994R.B.Nethercott
  • 1993J.J.Byrnes
  • 1992D.W.Borland
  • 1991L.M.Hogan
  • 1990N.F.Kennon
  • 1988G.G.Brown
  • 1983F.W.Fahy
  • 1983H.Muir
  • 1982J.W.Thompson
  • 1981R.H.Myers
  • 1980J.G.Ritchie
  • 1979A.J.Berry
  • 1978A.I.McRitchie
  • 1978H.H.Freeland
  • 1975R.C.Gifkins
  • 1973A.F.Dunbar
  • 1972B.H.Garnsey
  • 1969R.J.B.Pearson
  • 1967K.E.Gerard
  • 1964E.D.Connor
  • 1963J.N.Kirby
  • 1958A.O.Ashton
  • 1958H.H.Wilson
  • 1955E.J.Raymond
  • 1955R.H.M.Rowe
  • 1951C.Blazey
  • 1951R.S.Russell
  • 1950J.H.Banks
  • 1949D.Clark
  • 1948J.A.Edgerton
  • 1947Essington Lewis
  • 1947W.N.Barron


Silver Medal

This Award is made for outstanding contributions to the advancement of metallurgy, metallurgical engineering, materials science or materials engineering through management, teaching, innovation, development or research. The accent shall be on the word "outstanding". The contribution need not be made in the year of nomination since most contributions need to stand the test of time before they are deemed to be outstanding. The nominee need not be a member of the Institute, or a permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand.

a) The award may not be made more than once per year and it need not be made in any year.

b) A written nomination containing adequate biographical and descriptive material shall be signed by at least six members of the Institute and forwarded to the Honorary Secretary;

c) On receipt of the nomination, the President and Honorary Secretary shall appoint a select committee of not more than five persons, not all of whom are necessarily members of Council, to give an opinion in confidence on the merit of the nomination.

This opinion shall be reported in writing to the Honorary Secretary, who, in the event that the select committee's report is favourable, will arrange for a secret postal ballot of all Council members. The Medal shall be awarded when at least seven-eights of voting members of Council vote in favour.

d) In the event that the select committee's report is unfavourable, the Honorary Secretary shall inform the proposers in writing without disclosing the grounds for the unfavourable decision. The nomination shall lapse unless, within one month of the date of the Honorary Secretary's advice to the proposers, a majority of the proposers submit a written request to the Honorary Secretary that the matter be considered by Council.

e) Council may take any action provided that a secret ballot yielding seven-eights of council member's votes in favour is conducted before the award is made.

f) The Award shall be a solid silver medal to the design established, and a Certificate stating the reasons for the award shall accompany this. The President shall make the presentation at the earliest general meeting of the Institute following Council's decision to make the Award.

Silver Medal Award Recipients

  • 2023Yiu-Wing Mai
  • 2022Ma Qian
  • 2020Simon Ringer
  • 2009David StJohn
  • 2004P.McCormick
  • 2001A.Brownrigg
  • 1998P.M.Robinson
  • 1996B.T.Loton
  • 1993B.C.Muddle
  • 1992R.McPherson
  • 1988I.J.Polmear
  • 1985P.M.Kelly
  • 1983J.K.McDonald
  • 1982L.M.Hogan
  • 1981M.Hatherly
  • 1980A.L.Titchener
  • 1979J.W.Thompson
  • 1978W.J.McGTegart
  • 1974H.K.Worner
  • 1971L.E.Samuels
  • 1968R.C.Gifkins
  • 1966J.G.Ritchie
  • 1960W.Boas
  • 1958J.N.Greenwood
  • 1957C.Blazey


Distinguished Service Award

This Award is designed for those who have given above average service to the Institute over an extended period. There is no limit to the number of Distinguished Service Awards that can be presented.

a) Nominations may be made by any Branch or by Council to the Nominations Committee, accompanied by a written statement in support of the nomination.

b) Each nomination shall be considered by Council and shall be decided by a vote or postal ballot at which two-thirds of members of Council vote in favour.

c) The Award shall consist of a bronze medal and engraved with the name of the recipient. A Certificate stating the reasons for the award shall accompany the medal.

d) The President shall make the presentation at the earliest general meeting of the Institute following Council's decision to make the award.

Distinguished Service Award Recipients

  • 2022Paul Howard
  • 2020Catherine Hewett
  • 2017Bill Roberts
  • 2007A Killian
  • 2006G. Harris
  • 2002W.Pearce
  • 2000W.Geering
  • 1999J.Price
  • 1999G.Williams
  • 1998S.H.Algie
  • 1998I.McKee
  • 1998D.Dunne
  • 1997R.E.Pope
  • 1991R.J.Stack
  • 1991R.Coyle
  • 1991P.D.Hodgson
  • 1991J.Lundy
  • 1990R.A.Carter
  • 1989T.R.Finlayson
  • 1989P.W.Slattery
  • 1989N.F.Herbst
  • 1988R.C.Gifkins
  • 1988P.W.Goad
  • 1988J.J.Stobo
  • 1988C.W.Weaver
  • 1988B.J.Clarsen
  • 1987L.S.Heard
  • 1987I.L.Wills
  • 1984J.M.Killey
  • 1984G.C.Bennett
  • 1984A.G.Wilson
  • 1983J.McLennen
  • 1983J.C.Boden
  • 1983G.G.Brown
  • 1983A.A.Hoffman
  • 1982R.Cecil
  • 1982R.B.Nethercott
  • 1982J.J.Byrne
  • 1982J.G.Solomon
  • 1982J.A.Eady
  • 1982H.Muir
  • 1982B.J.Reid
  • 1981P.W.Goad
  • 1980N.F.Herbst
  • 1980L.M.Hogan
  • 1980J.D.Pansing
  • 1980F.H.Truman
  • 1980D.W.Borland


ActaMaterialia Gold Medal

This is an international award made to persons who have made a sustained and outstanding contribution to the fields covered by the publications ActaMetallurgica and ScriptaMetallurgica.

Each year, the Secretary to ActaMetallurgica calls for nominations from co-operating societies.

A panel of eminent international scientists makes selection of the medallist.

The Institute, by virtue of its standing as a co-operating society of ActaMetallurgica Inc. is competent to nominate candidates for the ActaMetallurgica Gold Medal.

Claude A Stewart Award

“The Claude A Stewart Award was originally a Branch Award in both Sydney and Melbourne. It was made possible by an endowment from Steel Improvement Pty Ltd to commemorate the work of Claude A Stewart (the founder of Steel Improvement) in the field of heat treatment.  Consequently it was constrained to honour the author of an outstanding paper on heat treatment published by the Institute.. … The founding of the medal owed much to the enthusiasm and drive of Ron Atkin. In 1963 it became a Federal Award and subsequently the conditions were broadened to include papers relevant to the field of heat treatment.”

From R.C.GifkinsAIM-IMMA 50 Years Records and Recollections.IMMA, 1996.

The award is based on achievement where the principal evidence may be other than published papers. In 1995, it was decided that the award “may be made once each calendar year to an individual, group of individuals or a Company/Organisation that has made a significant contribution to the industrial practice of metallurgy or materials engineering. This Award is open to both members and non-members”.

Claude A Stewart Award Recipients

  • 2021HTA Group
  • 2014Hofmann Engineering
  • 2010Graham Lancaster
  • 2000E.D.Doyle
  • 1999T.Guler
  • 1991R.W.Reynoldson
  • 1982J.H.Mahoney
  • 1981J.M.Killey
  • 1980P.M.Robinson
  • 1979J.K.Anderson
  • 1975R.L.Every&M.Hatherly
  • 1973N.A.Burley
  • 1969J.K.MacDonald&W.M.Lock
  • 1967J.S.Hoggart & R.H.Moller
  • 1966R.C.Gifkins
  • 1964P.N.Richards


Florence M Taylor Medal

Florence Taylor was the first female architect, structural engineer and civil engineer in Australia, who for many years was the publisher of the Institute’s magazine. To commemorate the significant contribution made by Taylor to Materials Australia, a medal was named in her honour. Over the years, this medal been awarded to members (and non-members) to recognise their outstanding contribution to the science of materials engineering or the Institute. Materials Australia is a society that strongly believes in diversity and inclusion. However, until now, we have not had an award that solely recognises the contribution of our female members. 

Given its origin, a decision has been made to reassign the Florence Taylor Medal to recognise the efforts of a female member or non-member, as nominated by any of the Materials Australia branches, from December 2021 onwards.

The award comprises a Bronze Medal.

Conditions of Award

Eligibility for award requires that a female of any age or career status meets at least one of the following attributes in Materials Science or Engineering:

  • By meritorious work over a  period of years, has contributed to the advancement of the Materials Science or Engineering
  • By outstanding ability has  become prominent either academically or industrially and thus has contributed  to the advancement of the Materials Science or Engineering
  • Is the author of an outstanding  paper presented and submitted in writing to a meeting of the Branch during the  year
  • Is the author of a paper or  thesis which embodies original or research work in Materials Science or Engineering and which has been present or  submitted in writing to a meeting of the Branch during the year
  • Is the author of three or more  papers of merit which have been presented and submitted in writing to meetings  of the Branch for one or more of the papers
  • Has substantially benefited the  Branch

Recipients of the Florence Taylor Medal

South Australia

  • 2005J.Davies
  • 2001L.Green
  • 1996M.Ramsay
  • 1995P.Kempe
  • 1993R.Carter
  • 1992W.Yeo
  • 1991J.Lundy
  • 1987I.R.Sare
  • 1986P.W.Slattery
  • 1985M.Preskett
  • 1984H.De Bruin
  • 1983I.B.Ketteridge
  • 1982D.Atkinson
  • 1981A.R.Dyer
  • 1980G.L.F.Powell
  • 1979R.A.Carter
  • 1977L.S.Heard
  • 1975J.M.Cooney
  • 1974R.S.Palmer
  • 1973H.A.Goldie
  • 1972K.Brook
  • 1971J.C.Boden
  • 1969R.C.Warland
  • 1968J.M.Butler
  • 1967J.F.McNeil
  • 1964J.K.Wilson
  • 1963W.T.Denholm
  • 1961J.M.Butler
  • 1960R.K.Mason
  • 1959L.P.Wilson
  • 1956H.G.Statters
  • 1955F.A.Fox
  • 1954W.G.Gerard
  • 1953E.C.R.Spooner
  • 1951A.J.Gibbs
  • 1950§
  • 1949R.A.Wildy
  • 1948K.E.Gerard
  • 1947W.J.Blanch
  • 1946J.S.Anderson
  • 1945H.H.Palmer



  • 2009Robert O'Donnell
  • 2008Gary Bunn
  • 2007D Doyle
  • 2002Elena Pereloma
  • 1989A.Brownrigg
  • 1987G.G.Brown
  • 1986I.McKee
  • 1982A.Cope
  • 1981B.J.Clarsen
  • 1979R.M.Wheeler
  • 1978N.F.Herbst
  • 1977R.H.E.Atkin
  • 1972M.E.Hargreaves
  • 1971J.G.Ritchie
  • 1970P.W.Goad
  • 1969D.W.Borland
  • 1968J.A.C.Andrew
  • 1967A.F.Dunbar
  • 1966T.E.Goldfinch
  • 1965I.Lamborn
  • 1964A.J.Berry
  • 1963L.S.Williams
  • 1962I.J.Polmear
  • 1961L.W.Flewin
  • 1960D.W.Borland, D.G.Walker
  • 1959G.W.West
  • 1958J.H.Auld, R.A.Coyle
  • 1957I.J.Polmear
  • 1956L.M.Clarebrough
  • 1954R.C.Gifkins
  • 1952R.J.T.Caney
  • 1951A.J.Edgerton
  • 1949K.F.Hartnell
  • 1948J.H.More


New South Wales

  • 2023Julie Cairney
  • 2006G.Harris
  • 1995J.P.Mullard
  • 1991R.A.Coyle
  • 1989R.J.Stack
  • 1982K.W.Sweatman
  • 1979J.J.Byrnes
  • 1977J.M.Killey
  • 1975H.Muir
  • 1972H.H.Freeland
  • 1966D.D.Stead
  • 1966I.A.Proctor
  • 1965E.W.Cox
  • 1964R.H.Myers
  • 1962F.P.Heard
  • 1960B.H.Garnsey
  • 1959L.E.Samuels
  • 1958R.W.Berriman
  • 1957L.W.Malmgren
  • 1955J.N.Kirby
  • 1953E.J.Raymond
  • 1951C.Blazey
  • 1950A.O.Ashton
  • 1949J.Finlay
  • 1948E. Lewis
  • 1947D.Clark
  • 1944A.L.Simmons
  • 1944A.L.Simmons


Western Australia

  • 2021R. Jensen
  • 2018S. Folkard
  • 2009G. Lancaster
  • 2008C. Thirumalaisamy
  • 2007R. Fricke
  • 2007I.O. Smith
  • 2002P.Howard
  • 1997W.Roberts
  • J.Bromley
  • L.Benjamin
  • M.Brameld
  • S.Algie


Ray Reynoldson Award 

Ray Reynoldson was instrumental in the Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering industries here in Australia. Ray was a key proponent in the bringing of fluidised bed heat treatment technology to Australia and through his business, Quality Heat Australia, saw the widespread acceptance of this technology into Australia.  In his later years he advanced the technology further and created an alloyed nitriding process and established a JV company, Hard Technologies to promote this emerging surface modification technology.  

The Award will constitute a Certificate of Recognition and also an Institute of Materials Engineering Australasia Ltd. Medal, engraved to reflect the purpose of the Award.


Ray Reynoldson Award Recipients

  • 2023Colin Hall
  • 2015Trevor Overton
  • 2015Steve Bone
  • 2013Geraldine Hart


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