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Training Courses and Workshops

Materials Australia EEA Logo ASM International

Materials Australia introduces the latest knowledge and training in Materials in the Asia Pacific Region. Through our partnerships with ASM International, Engineering Education Australia and Engineers New Zealand we are able to provide the most up to date international training courses in Materials Science and Engineering. 

View the schedule of public courses

Study from home or workplace

There are many Courses available for participants which are fully accredited and presented through our partnership with ASM International. Participants have 12 months to complete.

Get the latest knowledge!

start your online course today.

You have up until 12 Months to complete any course, and you can always enquire about an extension if needed. Upon successful completion you are provided with an ASM International Certificate.

Earn CPD credits for each course completed!

Approved by Engineers Australia and Engineers New Zealand as adhering to their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (Please refer to CPD Guidelines)

Materials Australia CMatP accredited

In-House Training

Successful organisations ensure their staff are highly skilled experienced but it is difficult to get everyone off site. Materials Australia has the capacity to deliver all our programs in-house in any location within the Asia Pacific Region.

Our presenters are well experienced and qualified specialists in their field and not only add value to your staff, but can tailor their presentations to the needs of your organisation or the community. For more details on how to run an In House Course with Materials Australia contact our office

General Courses:

Courses are available through our relationship with Engineering Education Australia. These include:

  • Contract Management
  • Financial Management
  • Project Management
  • Risk Management
  • Writing Winning Technical Documents

Materials Australia Members are entitled to a 10% discount on these courses.  Please contact us for further information.

For more information on the courses

Visit the Engineering Education Australia Website 

Need us to contact you about any course or event? Call our office on +61 3 9326 7266 or email us at

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