Distinguished Service Award
This Award is designed for those who have given above average service to the Institute over an extended period. There is no limit to the number of Distinguished Service Awards that can be presented.
a) Nominations may be made by any Branch or by Council to the Nominations Committee, accompanied by a written statement in support of the nomination.
b) Each nomination shall be considered by Council and shall be decided by a vote or postal ballot at which two-thirds of members of Council vote in favour.
c) The Award shall consist of a bronze medal and engraved with the name of the recipient. A Certificate stating the reasons for the award shall accompany the medal.
d) The President shall make the presentation at the earliest general meeting of the Institute following Council's decision to make the award.
- 2022Paul Howard
- 2020Catherine Hewett
- 2017Bill Roberts
- 2007A Killian
- 2006G. Harris
- 2002W.Pearce
- 2000W.Geering
- 1999J.Price
- 1999G.Williams
- 1998S.H.Algie
- 1998I.McKee
- 1998D.Dunne
- 1997R.E.Pope
- 1991R.J.Stack
- 1991R.Coyle
- 1991P.D.Hodgson
- 1991J.Lundy
- 1990R.A.Carter
- 1989T.R.Finlayson
- 1989P.W.Slattery
- 1989N.F.Herbst
- 1988R.C.Gifkins
- 1988P.W.Goad
- 1988J.J.Stobo
- 1988C.W.Weaver
- 1988B.J.Clarsen
- 1987L.S.Heard
- 1987I.L.Wills
- 1984J.M.Killey
- 1984G.C.Bennett
- 1984A.G.Wilson
- 1983J.McLennen
- 1983J.C.Boden
- 1983G.G.Brown
- 1983A.A.Hoffman
- 1982R.Cecil
- 1982R.B.Nethercott
- 1982J.J.Byrne
- 1982J.G.Solomon
- 1982J.A.Eady
- 1982H.Muir
- 1982B.J.Reid
- 1981P.W.Goad
- 1980N.F.Herbst
- 1980L.M.Hogan
- 1980J.D.Pansing
- 1980F.H.Truman
- 1980D.W.Borland