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Heat Treating Quality & Inspection



This course is designed to increase the technical knowledge of those involved in the heat treatment of metals and alloys. Emphasis is on process control and quality control inspection procedures, since both are necessary to provide heat treated products to meet industry standards and specifications.


Target Audience

Product development, quality control, design and process engineering, production, supervision, sales, and purchasing personnel involved in heat treating will find it a valuable technical education.


Required Pre-Requisites

ASM's Elements of Metallurgy course.


Course Outline

Mechanical Testing of Heat Treated Alloys: tension and compression; hardness (macro and micro) impact; bend and fatigue

Nondestructive Inspection of Heat Treated Parts: liquid penetrant; magnetic particle; eddy current

Metallographic Quality Control in Heat Treatment: sample preparation (sectioning, mounting, polishing and etching); photomicrography; interpretation of microstructures

Hardening of Steel: proper hardening processes; quenching; hardening principles; isothermal and continuous cooling

Tempering of Steel: three stages; effect of temperature; time; composition and structure on properties; precipitation effects

Heat Treatment of Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys: cold work, annealing and recrystallization; phase diagrams; heat treatment and mechanical properties

Instrumentation and Control I: measured variables; temperature; pressure; flow; furnace atmospheres

Instrumentation and Control II: indicating and recording instruments; process control; solid state devices; typical control systems

Furnace Atmospheres: primary furnace gases; prepared atmospheres; applications; carbon control; generating equipment

Surface Hardening: flame, induction hardening; methods, reaction and effect of carburizing; discussion of miscellaneous surface hardening methods

Induction Heat Treatment: fundamentals of heat treatment; equipment selection and processing parameters; technical considerations; applications

Difficulties and Imperfections Associated with Heat Treated Steel: types of imperfections or failures; cracking types and causes; other imperfections

Inspection Techniques and Sampling Methods: incoming, in-process and final inspection; quality control parameters; sampling; records; sampling risks

Process Quality Control: control charts; variability; statistical basis; imperfection parameters; capability and tolerance

Main Info


Members: $1870
Non Members: $1980



Heat Treating Quality & Inspection

Members: $1870
Non Members: $1980

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