Thermo Fisher Scientific
Advances in materials science
Innovative materials play essential roles in safety, clean energy, transportation, human health, and industrial productivity. To fuel continued innovation, researchers want to deepen their understanding of the physical and chemical properties of materials (morphological, structural, magnetic, thermal, and mechanical) from the macro- to nanoscale. Whether discovering new materials, solving analytical problems, improving processes, or assuring product quality, electron microscopy is capable of providing insight at all scales and modalities. The discoveries resulting from materials science research help enhance researchers’ ability to successfully correlate structural properties with functional performance. In turn, this insight helps commercial enterprises innovate products and processes to gain important time-to-market and cost advantages.
Materials characterization
- Analytical solutions, including electron microscopy and spectroscopy, from Thermo Fisher Scientific can help you address your most pressing challenges, including;
- Developing new functional materials that meet the demands of today’s unique social and economic challenges
- Supporting the discovery of new materials with reproducible data from complementary techniques
- Solving materials and method development challenges to improve processes and investigate product defects
- Publishing groundbreaking discoveries, writing winning grant proposals, or patenting novel materials
- Assuring defects are rejected before they reach customers
- Taking your ideas to market quickly and keeping your company competitive